Interesting change from previous firmware version to the current version (1.10.28).
I ran the same route under both firmwares, and found that 1.10.28 returns to satellite fix much quicker than the previous version (1.9.27)
Here's the first time I ran the route on June 5, 2014, using firmware 1.9.27:'s the second time I ran the route on June 19, 2014, using firmware 1.10.28: both instances, I had to pass under a main road (Dublin Blvd) just after the 1 km point going north, and then again on the way back south. The pedestrian underpass is a concrete tunnel that completely blocks GPS signal transmission inside.
Under firmware 1.9.27, Leikr took about 15 seconds to recapture the satellites and re-initiate tracking after I left the tunnel.
Under firmware 1.10.28, Leikr took 2 or 3 seconds at most to recapture satellites and re-initiate tracking after I left the tunnel.
Different route this morning, but it took me under another main road. Same results as on June 19. At 3.7 km and 4.4 km, I passed through a steel-lined pedestrian underpass. Within moments (2 or 3 seconds) after leaving the tunnel, I had the satellite fix again.
This is a nice improvement on satellite lock.
At this point, all of my recent runs have been with Leikr only, no Garmin 305 for comparison. I'm training up for a half marathon on 01 September, and am feeling very confident in Leikr's ability to get me there. I'll do a couple comparisons as I get into longer milage, but it seems Leikr's tracking and data recording reliability is approaching that of any other device I might use. Now to get past the other wrinkles.